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Learning to cook at 12 was a sensory experience. I learned to balance flavors through  trial and error with coaching from my sister or another adult.  Often, we used whatever was available in the kitchen that weekend as ingredients and created a menu.  Instead of recipes, I was provided basic cues to help me achieve the baking goal I used my hands to distinguish  appropriate measurements. I used vision and smell to judge the readiness of a roux, or muffins.  

Stacks of Paper

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As a high school junior varsity cheerleader, our coaches presented a dance routine we had to learn in five days. First, we watched the routine, and then it was taught to us a few steps at a time mimicking the steps in the same sequence that corresponded with the music.  We were drilled for two hours a day learning several sections of the routine over five days. 



As a project manager, our team could increase efficiency in communication and productivity  if I could learn how to develop and edit Sharepoint sites. Access to traditional classroom training was unavailable, so a subject matter expert offered to guide me through the site development  process, helping me build upon my basic knowledge to reach self proficiency. 

Black Notebook

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