I chose Canva, an online tool to create infographics. Infographics are like posters with large images and less text. Infographics appeal to all learners, especially visual learners. I began learning Canva to complete the infographics tasks assigned. At first I had to log in, second I had to think about what I wanted to achieve with Canva. I re-read the assignment and started writing in word to create a basic outline that answered the questions. I had to be succinct enough to use in an infographic.
To begin, I opened Canvas and explored what templates would help me convey my ideas.
I reviewed the help videos and documents quickly so that I would know more about the basic commands to get started. I kept working until I would get stuck, then I would reference the help materials to help me complete the task. The “aha” moment came to me when I was able to create the second infographic without consulting the tutorials. I selected a template and was able to make adjustments as needed without assistance.
Learning this tool required a combination of andragogy ,Cognitivism and Constructivism. Andragogy was used because I had specific task and my motivation for learning was not subject driven, but task driven. My learning was:
self directed- I learned the software on my own and learned the portions I needed to solve the problem
problem centered – desire to complete my assignment successfully
motivated by internal factors- willingness to learn the system to complete the assignment
I followed a cognitivist approach by following each step to produce a certain /specific outcome and used cognitive skills such as observation of the videos to help me reach the next step of the process.
Cognitivism means by repeating, thinking and doing, the information will become knowledge that can be recalled on demand. I was able to connect new information through observation and repetition from the help resources to connect prior knowledge about cutting, pasting, command symbols, and other simple online commands to new knowledge to help me to create the infographics. Soon I was able to recall the new and old knowledge to rearrange graphics as needed to produce new infographics without referencing the help documents. I practiced self-efficacy by putting my knowledge into practice immediately by producing my infographic.
One can argue that I also followed a constructivist approach in addition to Cognitivism. I learned the tool on my own using my existing knowledge, and the tutorials providing scaffolding to help me obtain my goal to create the infographics .I think these were all effective learning theories and the problem focus kept me engaged. The product itself supports cognitive load theory in that we are simplifying information so that the mind can digest whatever the information quickly.
Microlearning: Adding Canva to my ID Toolkit
Image from Wix.com